Well....Kristina is about to come through and show her ass. Just straight up act a fool. Got to go. Got to leave. I'll holla afterwards.....hopefully.
My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.
Well....Kristina is about to come through and show her ass. Just straight up act a fool. Got to go. Got to leave. I'll holla afterwards.....hopefully.
I quit my job today. Well, not really, I accepted a different position in the hospital though. I’m still wondering if I did the right thing. I mean, sure the new job requires me to work sometimes long and unpredictable hours without increased financial compensation. I will acquire a skill that will hopefully enable me to earn a high five figure income in about 3 years. Why three years? That’s when I get my freedom papers from the US Air Force.
Previous post was b4 our last conversation( Boo and I). Things are going well. We're moving on....together. That's him in the picture.
I’m sooo not in the mood to be at work right now. I’m sure I’m not the only one though. Well I was going to post about my weekend but I realized that shit was so boring it would put ME to sleep. That’s what I wanted though, a quiet couple of days at the house. Next weekend I have to host BooBoo, his roommate and roommate’s boyfriend at my place. They want to come down to the coast and go clubbing.
So I've been tagged by PHILLY BRED. Here are the the 10 songs I'm bumping right now per the rules:
Wassup ya'll I have like a hour left in my work day. Just thought I'd put some thoughts down real quick:
Now that Mariah Carey has released a great album after all these years, aren't you scared that her next release is going to be like Glitter part deux? Just disappointed.
I’m sitting here listening to a little Anita Baker reflecting on a conversation BooBoo and I had last night. He said that he has some kind of bad feeling that something going to pull us apart. That’s it. He can’t or won’t elaborate any more than that. I Have to admit I’m feeling frustrated right now because I really don’t understand what’s going on in his head right now. I don’t think he really understands what’s going on in his head right now. I figure that all I can do is be patient and reassure him that I love him and don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.
My BooBoo has been seriously trippin for the last 3 or 4 days. I don't know what the hell the problem is and he will not tell me. Correction I just called him at work and he informed me that after talking to his friend Trey and his grandma he has decided to tell me why he's been in a foul ass mood( and why he's been taking the shit out on me ) when he gets off work. Why not talk to me about the problem....I mean who am I just supposedly your man.