My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hey Folks,

I really don't have any updates on amything going on with me.. The boyfriend situation is still...THERE.

This is how I feel right now.. They say there is a song for every situation.

Did anyone else think that Ralph was a little "sweet" or just a bad actor?

Why did I have a HUGE crush on him back in the day?


Blogger yet another black guy said...

Ralph got the gayness going on in EVERY video! i think he's a little sweet if you ask me. then again, maybe that's wishful thinking. he STILL looks good.

12:38 AM

Blogger Soldier said...

there's a song for every situation indeed...
considering your choice of videos, your situation is OLD SCHOOL lol

2:10 AM

Blogger Darius T. Williams said...

that's right...neither one of us wants to be the first to say goodbye! I love that song - J.Hud has a great version of it too.

8:29 AM

Blogger fuzzy said...

Interesting, I believe there is a song for each situation and a song to bring you out of each situation.

3:08 AM

Blogger Dayne Avery said...

Gladys Gladys Gladys

11:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You took me THERE with "Neither One Of Us"!!!!!

Man, I am sorry to hear that this is going on... you never know what this may do for you in the long run. It is my belief that it is better to be apart than together (geographically) and be miserable.

Johnny, Ralph... those are my favorite New Edition QUEERS!

11:52 AM

Blogger That Dude Right There said...

Lord have mercy, I was listening to Gladys and the guys last week when I had my own drama. My thought turned when I played "Your the Best Thing".

I there is a song for every occasion.

11:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough already! You got something to say. This is a safe place...remember?

12:13 AM


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