My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Just another Monday

Thanks Dayne.. I didn't call you out when you went on a two month break.LOL. Just playin.

So I haven't really been blogging ...obviously. That's mostly because nothing has really been going on with me. I go to work, I go to the gym and I come home. That's pretty much been my life this summer. Damn!! Summer07 is almost over. Where did the time go?

Is anybody watching Summer TV? Two of my faves right now are Kimorra Lee Simmons new show and a show on VH1 called The Man Band. Is it just me or is Kimorra on some different shit. The girl is just a narcissist. Her two little girls are something else though.

I do have a question that I would like some input on. Mostly from any of you guys who've been in long-term relationships but I'd appreciate input from any one who has an opinion.

Has anyone come to a point in their relationships when they've decided it's OK NOT to use condoms anymore? Do you think there is a point when you would consider it? What would be the criteria? In this day and age is it naive to trust ANYONE like that?

Let's just say I'm really interested in getting some opinions on the above topic.


Blogger yet another black guy said...

well damn, you dropped a biggie bruh! i'd say it's a matter of personal opinion, but when we are in love (or just think we are) that warm fuzzy feeling can make logic and caution seem like an unnecessary nuisance. the question is: do you trust him enough to do it? with your life?

10:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The choice is between you two, just have to protect one another and trust your bodies. A man and a woman should give their bodies to each other in faith that they will not violate themselves or each other.

5:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For me, it's a new day. And that dawning happened a long time ago. Sadly, for so many of us, decisions were made because we didn't know any better.

I have loved long and deeply. I loved my man and he loved me. I loved him enough to protect him and have him protect me.

Today, I know better.

All Good Things!

-jump off JOE

7:20 PM

Blogger Tyson said...


That is a great question. Unfortunately trust is so hard to have in relationships (gay or straight). You can never be certain that your lover is faithful. With that said, you can never jeapordize your health for anyone including those you love. On the flip side to that, (for straight couples) if you didn't trust enough to lose the condomn then we wouldn't have any more children :-(

12:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, Kimora is pushing my buttons with her new show!!! She is hilarious to me!!!! She said, "We are going with 'Kimora: The Icon... I love it!' on her "russian"-inspired shoot! I laughed for the entire hour!

Second, wow!!!! I don't know what to say about the no condom thing, except that I have been there and done that... WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!!!! I thought, once upon a time, that by doing that I was taking my love to another level, but have learned that feeling close to someone is not about unprotected sex.

The guy who I had unprotected sex with was also cheating on me... there was no feeling worse than that.

If you do go down that road without wearing a seatbelt be prepared for not only the added pleasure, but even more ready for the potential consequences.

6:46 AM

Blogger Tim said...

Well as far as the no condom thing partner and I have been together for over a year now and we've decided a long time ago to always use condoms...just because it's the safe thing to do.

2:45 PM

Blogger ponoono said...

the answer is: BOTH of u go and test for HIV; then have only safe sex for 6 months and ONLY with each other.. then test again. if the results are negative - you can have all the unprotected sex you want as long as you remain monogamous. you are past any WINDOW PERIOD for seroconversion if you were exposed to hiv

3:49 PM

Blogger That Dude Right There said...

I agree with Ponoono. When we first started dating in 1999, we both got tested for STD's and HIV. After the first year (and moving in together) we got tested again and then we stopped using condoms.

We both trusted each other enough to do it. I knew that I wouldn't cheat on him and he knew that he had better not cheat on me.

When you are your partner are comfortable enough to talk about it and you fully trust each other, then make a decision at that time.

10:10 AM

Blogger Soldier said...

co-signing with ponoono and that dude right there...

how much do you trust him ?

1:19 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:57 PM


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