My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Weekend In Review

Wassup friends. I know I haven't posted in a minute. The kid has been tired....Well, OK Lazy. At least I'm being honest..LOL

The weekend was cool despite the fact that I was tired for most of it. I think after awhile my body just didn't care anymore:

Friday: After working all day( got up at 5:45am). I headed up north to spend some time with Booboo. I thought we would just hang out, get something to eat, watch a movie..Like I said a brotha was tired. But naaaww.... His roommate calls and invites us to Baton Rouge to hang out with him and his boyfriend. Usually I wouldn't mind, but like I said I was tired, Baton Rouge is like a 2 hour drive, gas is like $2.50 a gallon and I'm tired. I look at Boo...He's all excited and despite the fact he's telling me, "It's whatever you want to do baby" I know he really wants to go. So, I'm like fine but you're driving
Once we get up there it's like damn near eleven and these mofos talkin bout going out. MAN!!!! Grab the ears " Wooosah", it's all good. We get dressed and head out to this little gay club.....Correction bar. Ya'll it was the saddest little bar I'd ever been to. I guess we'd just missed the drag show b/c there were about five boys walking around in full make-up and wigs but wearing jeans and T-shirts. I swear one looked like she was auditioning for Thundercats the Movie or something. That shit was thick. The music was wack and there were only like 14 people there, but the drinks were two-for-one. So, the four of us cracked up talking to the 40 y/o white chick poppin IT next to us, watching the thug ass girls grind in the corner, and laughing at the queens jet-setting on the floor. They closed the place down at 1:30 and by closed it down I mean just killed the power mid song. I'm like WTF!!!The south man...The south. Willy(the roommates boyfriend) decides to give us a night time tour of the city, which was cool,except for the fact that I was kind of tired. We ended up on the waterfont and getting into a talk about the deaths of family members and how we coped with them. I know right!!!!
Finally make it back to willies place at like 3am. Finally get to lay it down. Finally get to pass out.........For like three hours. We have to get back to Booboos place by 9 so that his sister can pick up some furniture or something. Ugh. I love him. I love him. I love him. Woosah.

Saturday: Slept. Slept hard. Slept all day. Til Like 5pm. Got up. Ate Taco hell. Watched TV. Did IT. Went to sleep.

Sunday: Drove home. Still did nothing for most of the day and I was alright with that. Around 8pm The Ex calls me. Now, I have not talked to this dude on over a month. For good reason. I recently found out from a mutual friend that he'd been with at least 3 other people while we were together. Honestly, I wasn't really surprised. I'd been out of the country for three of the ten months we were together after all. It still kinda hurt getting confirmation, though. I mean I'm sooo over him and us and all of that. I just sucks to know that someone you cared so much about and still considered a GOOD friend had been playing you. I played it cool though, decided I was not going to confront him about it cause the shit IS over. I think he could hear a little ice in my voice though cause he hung up kind of quick. I'm cool though....Shit is done for real.

That's my weekend in a nut shell. Hope everyone out in the Blog world is doing better than OK.


Blogger Tim said...

Glad you had a good time this weekend, despite being tired.

Also glad to see that you and BooBoo are doing well.

On the ex: Fuck him. Literally. With a plunger handle. (Hell he might have done that already.)

7:45 PM

Blogger Darius T. Williams said...

Mr. LJ,

What's going on bruh...welcome back. I missed you!

So, you and ya boy are doing well - good luck with that. I wish the best for you. 2 hour drive? And you were tired? A mess! But, you survived! Keep us posted!

Coming Into Reality,

PS. Never eat Taco Bell and go right back to sleep! Who's that in the pic?

8:02 PM

Blogger N4R said...

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9:31 AM

Blogger N4R said...

What is going on? I swear we are kindred brothers. I just know it! I got confirmation that Baby cheated on me while we were together. Don't get me wrong, I was not pressed over our break. I left him alone but worked hard to maintain a good friendship. To know that he played me really fucked that up.

JKF is right - never Taco Bell then sleep. You and your random photo post without any explaination. We gonna have to talk about that.

Sidebar - Whooosha is my shit! I am the biggest Martin fan.

9:32 AM

Blogger Ladynay said...

Is that you in the blue?

I love days like your Saturday minus the Taco Bell.

12:03 PM


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