My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The most wonderful time of the year

So, I've pretty much decided to cancel Christmas this year. Well, for myself anyway. I was going to go home to St. Louis but my mom has me considering hiring a hitman. I don't like her right now. ...I just don't. So that's off. I thought about flying out to visit my younger brother and sister in Berkeley. They decided to visit our father in L.A. for the holidays and I would rather have ass and nut cancer. I really don't like him....Ever. So it's just gonna be me watching holiday movies and eating Turkey cutlets, which is cool with me. I'm really not upset about it. I'm cool. I have to make my BF understand that I don't really feel like celebrating this year. HE WILL NOT UNDERSTAND!!!! Maybe I'll get over it and decide to go home with him but I doubt it. Bah mudafukkin Humbug!!!!
In other news....I'm on leave until the January 3 and have absolutely nothing to do with myself. No traveling. No visiting. Although I do get to catch up on what's been happening on General Hospital( turns out the baby may not be Jax's after all) and getting lots of sleep. I have been watching a lot of movies lately. I went to see Rent a second time. It was better without someone snoring next to me this time. The chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe was very uneven. I didn't really get interesting to me until the end and some of the CGI was just bad. Was the lion supposed to be Jesus? I didn't get it. I rented 40 Year Old Virgin today. Why was this movie so damn funny? For real that shit was hilarious. I'm gonna try to see King Kong this weekend.

I wish I would have bought a X-box 360. Not because I want one but because there are a bunch of people out there willing to pay as much as $1500 for one instead of simply waiting a few weeks and getting one for 3-4 hundred dollars.


Blogger E said...

Wow..who knew X-Box 360s were that hot? Ironically I was thinking of getting a Playstation but passed for now.

I wanna see Rent. Maybe I will this weekend.

9:47 PM

Blogger Ladynay said...

A ex-class mate of mine spent the night at Best Buy to buy the 360 and some games just to sell them on ebay. The last time I asked him about it, he made about 2 g's from 2 consoles and some games! Darn shame!

9:10 AM

Blogger @GaryTylone said...

Americans are the only people who go through such shenanigans ( yes shenanigans) for something like the year nobody will want one!! I heard this woman was followed home and then robbed after purchasing one...da hell!!

1:43 PM

Blogger Waddie G. said...

The X-box craze is silly...

I feel you about your [non]spirit of Christmas. I am having mixed emotions about it also because I really want to go see my siblings or other relatives in California instead of going to the suburbs, but I guess that wouldn't hurt me either.

Buy some DVDs to keep you company during the time off.

2:49 PM

Blogger ShawnQt said...

Playstation 3 all the way!

10:55 PM

Blogger Darius T. Williams said...

Um, what in the hell ever happened to Super Mario Brothers? Those were the days! Just give me a little man running to catch 100 coins so I can have an extra life and I'm fine with that!

Coming Into Reality,

2:38 PM

Blogger M-Dubb said...

I see the spammers are going through some changes right now...

On the real, yuo should make yourself have the greatest Christmas. Since you're not in the mood, do something for someone else. My mom's coming to visit me, but before we do anything, I'm going to help the local mission set up Christmas Dinner, then I'm working because I don't have a family of my own yet, and others that did were struggling to get off.

It'll work for you man. If it doesn't, make it work.

5:13 PM

Blogger That Dude Right There said...

Christmas is canceled for me also. I'm going to the casino and win some money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11:18 PM

Blogger heartbreaker said...

yo... not to brag, but my momz just won an xbox 360 the other day off the radio ;) and reading about YOUR mom making you wanna hire a hitman, man... i totally feel ya on that one (maybe not to that extent, but i feel ya) and the holidays are the same for me this year as well, i told my bf that i didn't even wanna "do christmas" this year and at first he didn't understand at all (b/c he gets CRAZY w/ it) but now he feels the same way... i'm kinda mellow about it, too... and really ENJOY your time off doing nothing, i wish so many days that i could do nothing at all and be happy w/ it, and I haven't seen 40-Year-Old Virgin, yet... so, maybe I'll rent that and watch it on Christmas. :)


1:11 PM


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