My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"Look At Me"

After reading NO4REALs latest post I decided to check out Jackie's Back staring Jennifer Lewis. She killed that shit. " Look at Me" is my shit and "Yield"....WHAT!!!.
Seems like all I've been doing lately is going to the gym and watching movies. I've seen like every new release this month and some old ones too. Has anyone seen a movie named "Camp". It's kinda like Fame or Grease for a new generation(musical) set at summer camp for the performing arts. Some of the acting is ...well bad, but overall it's a cute film. There's this one song close to the end "Here's Who I Am" that's just great. I think I'm going to make the soundtrack one of my Christmas presents to myself.
Speaking of Christmas I completely broke my $40 dollar per gift limit, but even I always knew that I would. No one else is going to buy my siblings anything really, not even our/their parents. So what the hell it's just money. I most likely wont be getting anything from any of them but it's all about giving right. My boyfriend has been trying to guilt me into going home with him for Christmas but I'm just not feeling that this year. I spent last X-mas and Thanksgiving with his people. I would just rather do my own thing. I'm thinking about volunteering to help feed some folks or something.

In other news:
Went to see King Kong. Great movie ....Long but great movie. Once they finally get to the freaking island(scariest native people ever) you're hooked and once you finally see the friqqing monkey..OMG......All I can say is giant ape fight not one ...Not two..But three Tyrannosaurus' while holding a dumb white lady with his foot...WOW.
weren't the last two episodes of The Boondocks the best so far. I mean homothugs in one and then we get Riley trying to assassinate Santa. Off the chain.
I know I'm a big ass geek for this. I finally saw the Xmen 3 trailer and that minute and a half got me soooo damn hype.


Blogger ShawnQt said...


9:46 AM

Blogger N4R said...

Yo man I am happy I inspiried you to see the movie. I liked it a lot. Now I have to catch up with you on the current flicks. I think I will see King Kong tomorrow or the new Harry Potter.

10:33 PM


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