My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I Feel......

Lonely... That's how I feel right now. It's incredibaly hard for me to admit that. I've always been somewhat of a loner. Didn't need anyone( diddn't really want anyone) around. Go back about 7-8 years I was incredibally shy, hell borderline aniti-social actually. It's kinda sad thinking about the lengths I would go to to avoid socail situations. The kid had problems seriously. Even when I got over my "people-phobia" I was still the type of guy who could spend extended amounts of time without really hanging out with other people without feeling any way about it. Lately though...Maybe I just miss my boyfriend.

Is it wrong for me to want the dude I've been with going on 4 years now to move in with me? The answer is probably no. Is it wrong thinking about ending my relationship when he tells me he doesn't want to move. The plan was for him to move here when he finished school but he needed atleast a year experience in his chosen field before most places around here would even accept an application. That year is about up and everytime I bring up the whole moving situation he dodges it. I Love him but I don't think either of us saw ourselves in a long-distance relationship forever. Like I said I really don't think he plans on moving. He hates it here, can't tell me why but he hates it here. Like Hattiesburg, MS is so great. Whatever, we'll see what the end of the summer brings.

Maybe I SHOULD get a dog.

Monday, June 18, 2007


What up everyone or atleast the two people who sweep past this
I've been back in the US for a couple weeks now...and I'm bored already.

First thanks to those who sent me emails while I was away..that was really appreciated. It was very boring over there sometimes. I've pretty much just been hanging out since I've been back. Spent time time the boyfriend( anybody heard that Rihanna song "I hate that I love you"?) That's how I feel about my relationship right now.

Anyway, I've got one last week of vacation and plan on spending it having some fun. Til next time.