My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Monday, October 16, 2006


-As I type this I'm at work slowly nearing the end of my shift. I pretty much worked 7 days this week. Never again.
-I'm off for the next seven days though. Hallelujah!!!
-BooBoo will be here Wednesday afternoon. Damn, it's been like a month and half. Probably gonna take another month to recover. Heh Heh.
-I'm in charge of a shift full of young white males.
- Why are they always talking bout sucking each others dicks and calling each other fags and carrying on. I don't understand that fraternity behavior.
- There's an article about AJ and Free of 106th & Park fame in this months Vibe. Why is it sooo unrevealing.
- Why is everytime you try to approach a gay male on a friendship level they always assume you trying to get with them?
- I got my official RIP for my deployment a couple days ago. January 20th baby. LJ takes on Baghdad......LOL
- Why is my younger brother always asking me about sex? He asked if I trimmed my secret garden tonight. That boy is weird.
- I get the feeling Monica has lived a hard life from listening to her new CD. Sideline Ho is one of the best songs I've heard in a minute.
- I tried really hard to not like Justin Timberlakes new CD but I got to admit most of it is pretty tight. I wish I liked Janets more.
- Why am I just now discovering that show The Wire? Good stuff.
- I need a hair cut so bad. It's curling up all over the place. I got I cow lick.


Blogger Ladynay said...

7 days off? That's what's up!

Young brotha in charge of his lighter counter parts...interesting.

I am buying JT's cd

YAY BooBoo coming on your day off!

Booooooooo 4 baghdad

9:51 AM

Blogger El Alexander said...

7 days wow... guess its a good thing ya boo boo is coming, just explain as much as you can when it comes to sex and ya lil brother..he needs to find out one day ;-)

3:36 PM

Blogger @GaryTylone said...

Can I get a seven days off wth a boyfriend coming to was dissappointed about the AJ and Free article too...but why did Free look really glammed up but AJ is just blah...

12:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

7 days? Nice!

Have fun with your man... I am glad that you guys are making it work...

This Baghdad thing is breaking my heart... throw yourself down a flight of stairs so they will cancel your deployment (you know you have thought about it!)

I REFUSE to support Justin Timberlake!

A cowlick and curls? hahahaha-- you must have good hair!!!

5:18 AM

Blogger Marz said...

is this the gay brother? He may be wondering about proper pubic hair grooming or something. THERE ARE MOPRE THINGS TO SHAVE THEN JUST YOUR FACE. (LOL)

"If I wrote you a symphony....."(LOL( " Cuz, actions speak louder tha words....when I'm next to you. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM"




8:17 AM

Blogger fuzzy said...

lol @ Marz haha

Very true! is this the gay brother? He may be seeking guidence. If yea, you better guide him before somebody else does...

8:30 PM


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