My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Monday, January 09, 2006

First Post of 2006

Right now my life feels great. I feel like a came into 2006 with things pretty much in order. My boyfriend(check), family(check), my job(check), Finances(check).....

I wish that above statement were true, but sadly it's not well 1 out of four aint bad:

My boyfriend: Things are pretty smooth between us. We continue to occasionally have small conflicts but that's true for any couple that's been together for awhile. He has learned to talk to me about what's bothering him instead of assuming that I can read his mind and gotten over his trust issues. That's my one out of four by the way.

Family: More to the point my parents. My mom thinks I hate her because of this fight we had over money right before Christmas. She said " I hear such hate in your voice". I don't hate my mother. I love my mother. I've forgiven her for the things she's done in the past. She's come along way the last few years. She's been sober for almost four years now, found herself a job and she's doing well for herself. At the same time I don't really like her as a person. I mean she annoys the hell out of me. I feel like I'm raising a 46 yo woman sometimes, but I do need to try to be more respectful. I mean she is my mother.
I've been working on a post about my father for months now. Sometimes I hate him, sometimes I don't care, sometimes I don't know. Yeah complicated.

My Job: I've pretty much been off of work since Katrina blew through. Sounds great right?Except I work in a very technical field and I'm scared that by the time the base decides what it wants to do with the troops in my section I'll lose IT, the skills, the knowledge. Plus I was planning on taking three different certification tests this year. The good news is I get paid on the 1st and 15th regardless. Oh well, I guess I'll just enjoy the vacation for now.

Finances: I have a bad habit of dipping into my savings account for frivolous things like shoes and paying my moms/siblings bills. I'll hopefully be getting a raise this spring and I just paid off a personal loan so I'll be putting all of that cash into savings and leaving it alone. That's my one New Years resolution.

Thes are just some things that are on my mind and that I plan to work on/resolve in the coming months.


Blogger K Kaos said...

I think mother's are put on this earth to annoy us and love us at the same time.

Financially I feel u too man. My money is hanging in my closet and on my feet, I can't you doing something right man since u still have a roof over ur head, so dont feel too bad about spending frivoulously.

2:13 PM

Blogger That Dude Right There said...

Hang in there. I have also been thinking about doing a post about my father. Even though he has been dead for 14 years, I still kinda hate him.

7:19 PM

Blogger Stone said...

Well mothers will be mothers just honor her regardless. as for father $&@^#@# them.... just playing do the same too.

10:38 PM

Blogger N4R said...

This will be great for you this year man. Enjoy the free time. Once you get back in the swing of things it will all come back to you.

10:50 PM


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