My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Listen to me Damnit

Thank god this weekend is almost over. I feel like hell. My head's throbbing and I feel tired, probably because I've been averaging about five hours of sleep per day for the last few days. Did I mention I hate working nights? Two more nights and I am done with this shit. But let me stop bitching. Wait though one more thing-lol-

So I'm talking to my Ex last night. I guess we're still friends even though I've come to realize that he's not as honest as I thought. In fact he's just a really good liar, but that's his new mans' problem. He tends to call me when he has a problem( people tell me I'm a good listener). So, he's blah, blah,blah and I'm listening, giving advice here and there...You know. Then he asks "so what's been going on with you?" Now usually when I'm asked this question I usually say "not much" or "everything's pretty good" or talk about something mundane. This time however I'm going through some pretty deep shit( Mom's just been diagnosed with Emphysema....Dad supposedly had a break down of some kind..Still clear on what exactly happened). Before I'm done( I did listen to all his issue, as I've done on several occasions) he switches the conversation back to hisself and I'm like "whatever" let him finish and get off the phone. Now I'm not really pissed but I start thinking that's kinda fucked up. I've always been there for him but he can't even let me finish....Yeah I'm glad we broke up because I was really stupid for this dude( but that's another blog).
I think a little harder though and realize most of my relationships are that way though. My family and a lot of my friends call me when they just need to vent. I guess I'm a REALLY good listener but when I decide I need someone to listen to me bitch for a minute you can hear crickets. It's not like it happens too often because I internalize everything....Again that's another post though. My baby is there but he always tries to fix "it" whatever it is. I don't know at least I got this blog, huh?


Blogger E said...

Yeah that's the nice thing about the's good to vent out your feelings on here. I tend to have problems bought to me as well.

It's nice to know your current man listens to you at least.

12:34 AM

Blogger Ladynay said...

OMG! That is so me! I love my friends to death but when it's time for me to vent most of them always find a way to bring the subject back to THEM!!!!! I have my blog for the small stuff and my written journal for the heavy stuff!

7:13 AM

Blogger Cash S. said...

I swear the same thing happens to me. I listen, listen, listen (and give advice), but when it's my turn, my peeps are no where to be found. It sucks.

12:35 PM

Blogger Charles X said...

preach the gospel! i hate when people do that...i always call them out though.

12:28 AM

Blogger Waddie G. said...

you had a rough weekend with a person too??? Something was in the air.

2:31 PM

Blogger heartbreaker said...

i feel u on that man, people do me the same way... it's hard, but that's just how it is sometimes, how people are, my blog helps me get it out as well, i wish u the best... lata

4:32 PM

Blogger Omar Ramon said...

I have had very similar experiencesand in some cases EXACTLY the same. ALl of my friendships have been based off of my playing the therapist role and listening to folks problems. I've been lucky enough in recent years to find folk that can actually return the favor and hear me out when i can't hold my problems inside any longer(internalizing crap, is a drain after while)

11:51 AM


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