My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Monday, March 13, 2006


It 's like I'm back in the projects. Since "The Hurricane" my apartment complex has become soooo Mudafuckin ghetto. At first it was mostly aesthetic. My building had a large glass- I guess foyer would be the right way to describe- in the front. Now this of course was blown in during the storm. Almost six months later the owners still haven't even attempted( from what I can see) to do anything about the gaping whole in the building.

It's not just about appearances anymore though. The area inside the foyer is carpeted so when it rains the carpet gets soaked> wet carpet> heat> smell. OMG that hallway really stinks like hot ass and garbage sometimes and I don't even want to think about the mold that's growing under that carpet. I'm sure if I called the health dept......Well they would have some words. That's not it though...People just throw there trash anywhere. The place is littered with beer bottles ang Faygo cans. My apartment is the first and actually only one at the top of the stairs inside the foyer. People like to chill on the steps like it's the stoop at big Momma's house( those of you from the hood know what I'm talking about) just loud and country. Usually I wouldn't care but their like Right in front of my door. Speaking of door..My door really wasn't made for all weather, so that bitch is warping. Lock don't want to turn sometime.

This weekend( Saturday night to be specific) BooBoo and I( or is it BooBoo and me...Ugh forget it) were chilling at my place, watching TV when we hear some chick screaming right in front front of my door " Let me go" " you don't fuckin touch me" "your gonna get in trouble". BooBoo being the nosy lil fella he is(n I call him Pearl-the old lady from 227) of course goes to the door trying to see what's going on. Eventually as the chick keeps screaming" Let go of me" I decide to see what the hell is going on. So I open my door...I see my neighbor( I call him The Mexican) at the the bottom of the stairs trying to pull this white chick up the stairs. She's holding on the the banister....In fact their big asses broke the banister. So I'm standing out here watching the scene along with some other people in the building wondering what the hell's going on. I don't know what the hell is going on and dude has like five of his cousins out there with him. I don't know if he hit ole girl or what but I'm getting the impression that this is more Whitney and Bobby than Ike and Tina. I called the cops because I didn't won't anything to happen to her and I want them to shut the hell up. So I guess the Mexican realized he won't be able to haul big girl back to the apartment and starts trying to talk to her. I guess it worked because they both went back into their apartment, but I immediately here them screaming at each other and things being knocked around. The cops show up like 30 minutes later( yeah I'm really in the hood now). I don't really know what happened after that but I distinctly over hear the cops talking about 'fighting over crack". WTF......Now I'm living next to crack heads!!! I swear if I wasn't already moving I would ....Move.
I mean I grew up in the hood, even lived in the projects for a few years( and when I say projects I mean straight out Good Times high-rise projects), but as a adult making a decent living I don't feel that I should have to tolerate this foolishness.

Anyway my weekend was pretty boring. These bitches had me working...They have me working next weekend too. I promise it'll be the last.


Blogger Ladynay said...

Well daggone! I guess it's good that you work all the time cuz your living arrangement sounds less than pleasant!

6:59 AM

Blogger Darius T. Williams said...

Ha...alright for living in the hood.

9:04 AM

Blogger Paula D. said...

Good lawd!

10:54 AM

Blogger heartbreaker said...

i wouldn't be able to deal w/ that... lol, my apartment building was similar, big glass window, carpeted foyer area, and mine was the first one at the top of the steps, the door was the only one outside, too -lol- i had two doors, tho and never used that one, but u described mine exactly... the funny thing about the story is that there's this white girl in orlando that's missing right now (high profile) and that's terrible but there's so many rumors about what happened to her... i was getting my haircut one day, and this dude that worked with her was telling everybody that before she disappeared, she was telling her coworkers she was having issues w/ the mexicans around her apartment building, and also when the police were looking for her, they looked in crackhouses... lol, i don't know y i went so far as to put all that together, but it was just crazy how i paralleled all that, alright i'm out -lol-

7:21 PM

Blogger That Dude Right There said...

I guess that I should stop complaining about my neighbors not speaking to me. Bruh, you got it bad!

10:53 PM

Blogger E said...

Oh my gosh...that's terrible. I'm really glad that you're getting away from there.

7:40 AM

Blogger Waddie G. said...

wow...I'm sure you don't want sympathy from me, so I'll say "better days ahead"

3:23 PM

Blogger Karamale said...

on a grammatical note, i think when you're utilizing nicknames like "booboo" (your boo, i know), it kinda doesn't matter if you say "i" or "me."

lol at the more bobby & whitney than ike & tina...looks like your assessment was accurate.

3:25 PM


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