My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


I'm sitting at work right now, it's like a quarter to 4( 4am) that is. Did I mention I hate this job, 12 hour shifts, 3days on then 3 days off. That wouldn't be so bad except for the way theses days seem to fall. I'm working like the the next three weekends in a row. See, that's the time I'm supposed to be with my baby.

He decided to go out with his "girls" tonight and by girls I mean boys. BooBoo is not usually very feminine but when he gets around anyone of his three "girls" his ass Queens the fuck out. I don't get it. I told him that's like the unsexiest( that's not really a word, huh?) thing ever. Whatever, he already got me. On the other hand though, when he meets someone he doesn't know he voice drops like 8 octaves( that is kinda sexy). Weird!!! One of his "girls" is moving to Texas this week, so I hope they are having a good time.
Speaking of Texas. My orders finally dropped. Guess where I'm going....Damn if it isn't San Antonio. I soooo did not want to move back there. In fact there are two places I never really wanted to live Biloxi, MS and San Antonio, TX. There's probably a bunch of others places on that never wanted to live list but I just list those two for now.

*Update. I just told BooBoo about the orders and he reacted the way I knew that he would. He's hurt and overly dramatic. I mean I told him that I would be getting orders anyday. I guess he talked himself into believing that it wouldn't happen. Anyway, am I wrong really not feeling or wanting to deal with him getting all upset about it right now? I'm as hurt as he is thinking about leaving, but yeah I need some " we gonna make it work baby" or something right now. *

Chances are, it'll be atleast a couple of months before I leave still. I'm hoping for more time, but really not optimistic about it. I told him that I would do what I got to do for the few months until he graduates to make us work as a couple. He really didn't seem too optimistic about it. I mean if he's not willing to try...Well I can't do the shit by myself. For us to work as a couple he would have to pack up and leave his friends and family behind come July. I don't know if that's asking too much. I don't know, this could be the count down to the end. I've loved him from the first week I met het him and still love him more than two years later..So I'm praying. I wonder if I can get out of the Air Force...Short of coming out to the commander that is.......Lata.


Blogger Ladynay said...

So your considering leaving the military for Booboo? Wow!

Boo will need to choose leaving his blood to move? Wow!

Wow! I thought my choices were hard! LOL

7:23 AM

Blogger antneya said...

Thats a deep posts I hope it all works out for you.

9:34 AM

Blogger Drew said...

Mississippi is overrated anyway. Ha ha. ;)

If you roll into Texas, hit a brother up. I'm in Houston. Much cooler than SA.

12:31 AM

Blogger Charles X said...

are you in the army or something? san antonio is like 4 hours from here. san antonio isnt bad, actually, i like it.

7:40 AM

Blogger Tim said...

Wow man, on the real, it'll all work out for the best. Just keep the faith.

8:49 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Man I use to work thouse hours, three on and three off and I didn't like it.

12:20 PM

Blogger heartbreaker said...

yo i can NOT even begin to imagine how that must be for you (and especially him) cuz that's prolly how my reaction would be... but less dramatic, but damn... that must suck, but i feel him... two years, "must be nice" ... but it's not like it's gonna be a surprise when it happens, and i don't think that's asking for too much... if it were me, i'd drop and leave everything to be with my man... but that's just me, and we don't wanna go down that road right now, so... LATA -lol- i wish u the best

8:46 PM

Blogger Jameil said...

hahahaha!! comin out to the commander!! that's hilarious! how many closet gays do you think are in the military?

9:37 AM


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