My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Thursday, December 21, 2006


So a lot has happened since my last post. BooBoo and I did break up...

for two days. A lot of things were said. A lot of things were discussed. I understand some things that I didn't before and I think he does too. I told him if he wasn't happy he should let it go but he said that's not what he wanted. So the relationship still feels a little unsteady but it's still present. I'll be leaving in a few weeks anyway so he'll have plenty of time to "think".

In other news...

These people at work are riding my nerves HARD. I swear everyday there's something else that needs to be done or some new office I need to visit..Oh and I'm still expected to work all night. Hell...Iraq might be a vacation from this place. Right now I'm just trying to pack. I think I can fit everything I need in two bags. There's nothing worse than trying to schlepp a bunch of bags half way across the world.

I decided not to try to visit the family for Christmas. For both economic and mental reasons...LOL. I had to work on Christmas eve anyway. It's weird, I used to fell really depressed around this time of year. That's not the case anymore, it just feels like any other time of year. It's probably because San Antonio doesn't even try to look festive so it REALLY feels like any other time of year. O h well maybe next year


Blogger C. Baptiste-Williams said...

must be bad to think of Iraq as a vacation...

6:52 PM

Blogger El Alexander said...

I pray that everything works out for ya and I'll be home for Christams alone myself...

12:32 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

You seem resolute, but more settled and for that, I'm glad. It kind-of feels like anytime of the year here as well - and heck, I did every darn holiday party and live in the most x-mas friendly city in the world (NYC)! It turns out x-mas is about the heart... until we get that together, it'll always be just another time of the year. Have a great new year pa AND my prayers for a safe and speedy trip to Iraq. Keep passin' the open windows...

11:09 AM

Blogger @GaryTylone said...

how long have y'all been together ? wow...and how long you gonna be gone?

11:13 PM


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