My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

28 DEC 06


I hope everyone had a peaceful Christmas. How was mine you ask? Well I worked All night the day before, so I slept most the day, went to see Dreamgirls with a friend and had pancakes at IHOP. All in all not a bad The 25th was also the third anniversary of my relationship with Crazy( aka BooBoo).

Since every blogger MUST give his/her opinion on the movie. Here's mine:

Dreamgirls wasn't a perfect movie but definitely a entertaining one.
The music:
was awesome. The one song that I thought was kinda cheesy( Family) grew on me by the time of the reprise. I just downloaded the "full" soundtrack as a matter of fact. How gay is that..LOL.
The acting:
I thought Jennifer Hudson did a great job especially for a first time actress stepping into a well known part. I don't think it lived up to the hype but still a great job
Eddie Murphy was perfect. I don't know if anyone could have pulled that part off without being really over the top. I hope he wins that Golden Globe and gets a Oscar nom too.
Jamie Foxx was Ok..I didn't think he brought anything particularly special to the part.
I don't know his name but the guy who plays CC was...Really cute. Naw I just read he's working on a album.
The Dreamgirl who got no press Anika Rose did a great job with what she was given.

Beyonce...well, I'll just say that six months of acting lessons definitely helped. I almost forgot about her cringe worthy acting in her prior roles. I think that she was born to play this version of Deana.

I don't know if it was the editing or just the way the story was written but the movie was a little disjointed. One moment all the focus is on Effie then it's all about Deana. Curtis goes from being a little shady to cold hearted bastard in just a couple of frames and I think the Deana and Curtis relationship needed a little more build up.

I really didn't mean write a whole post about Dreamgirls but there you go.


Blogger j_shanlin said...

I got the soundtrack too, and I thought it was funny that they had like the actual lines from the movie in the songs. I was crackin up. Jennifer Hudson went from like a little down home girl next door to like a DIVA GODDESS in like 24 hours. And you're right one minute Effie was singin songs to Curtis and the next Deena was talkin bout "I wanna have your baby" I was like WTF?!..oh yea my favorite line from Beyonce in the WHOLE MOVIE was when Curtis first came on the scene and he was telling the "Dreamettes" that they were gonna be singing behind Jimmy Early and Deena was like "You swear?" HA! I loved it!

10:18 AM

Blogger j_shanlin said...

I got the soundtrack too, and I thought it was funny that they had like the actual lines from the movie in the songs. I was crackin up. Jennifer Hudson went from like a little down home girl next door to like a DIVA GODDESS in like 24 hours. And you're right one minute Effie was singin songs to Curtis and the next Deena was talkin bout "I wanna have your baby" I was like WTF?!..oh yea my favorite line from Beyonce in the WHOLE MOVIE was when Curtis first came on the scene and he was telling the "Dreamettes" that they were gonna be singing behind Jimmy Early and Deena was like "You swear?" HA! I loved it!

10:18 AM

Blogger C. Baptiste-Williams said...

yeah the movie didnt flow well at all... i think they tried to do too much and didn't really allow the characters to develop.

folks always say they cant sit through a 3 hour movie but id rather see a 3 hour movie that flows well than one that doesnt.

10:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't see what guy would go and pay to see a movie like this.

1:49 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Pancakes at IHOP and Dreamgirls for Christmas sounds like a pretty happy way to end the year... and as for what guy would pay to see Dreamgirls? Well, virtually all the bloggers who you grace the pages of. It's 2007... you'd think you'd just get some and get a clue. LOL

8:43 AM


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