My life is not really that hard, it just seems that way sometimes. I'm just a poor black man stuck way too far down south trying to make each day a little better than the last.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


I hope that everyone is doing well in the New Year!

This is going to be one of those rambling bullet form posts.

- Technically I'm single right now, really haven't decided how I feel about that.
- I'm meeting my (ex?) boyfriend on Saturday to discuss some things.
- Does anyone think that the Iraq "situation" will change after Saddams death?
- I think I'm becoming addicted to porn.
- I'm gonna refer to The Captain as Uncle Ruckus for now on. Boondocks fans will know why.
-I haven't decided if Barack Obama will get my vote in 2008. If he decides to run and wins that ticket that is.
- That show Ugly Betty is pretty good. I watched a marathon on New Years.
- My entire family has been depressed lately. I'm thinking about kidnapping and placing them in an elaborate maze of traps to make them appreciate their lives.
- I am incredibly conflicted about my chosen religion, especially now.
- My brother just told me that my father is pretty much homeless. That's really sad to me.
-People keep emailing me about my blank MySpace page. I really only signed up to be able to check out some of my friends pages.-
-I'll probably elaborate on some of these later.


Blogger Ladynay said...

The Iraq conflict won't be done with for a long time IMO

Your not the 1st person to mention that Ugly Betty show.

Nothing wrong with researching other belief systems.

No one should be homeless :-(

Your myspace page couldn't be any blanker than mine! LOL

Happy New Year Lj

7:21 AM

Blogger life said...

lol@kidnapping family members...u are crazy.

your dad...lawd

before careful with revisiting those old relationships...they are old for a reason

11:40 PM

Blogger heartbreaker said...

"technically" ?? why?
i hope that works out, what happened?
and um, don't get TOO addicted lol wow
and nah i don't think things will change very much in Iraq, but they couldn't wait to hang his azz, and I like Ugly Betty too, and don't focus on a religion but a relationship you won't go wrong w/ that... :) hope u r doing better tho!

11:51 PM

Blogger terpFAN said...

i think saddam was water under the bridge 3 years ago when he was captured ... i'm not by any means an expert on middle east culture or history but the current conflict in iraq seems to be cultural/sectarian in nature ... so the "situation" (civil war or otherwise) probably wont even blink at saddam's passing

12:15 PM


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